Importing Products:


Travellers entering Cyprus are entitled to import following goods provided they are purchased within the EU and are intended for personal use.

All goods must be carried in the passengers’ hand luggage.




800 cigarettes

400 cigarillos

200 cigars

1kg of tobacco




10 litres of spirits over 22%, 20 litres with less than 22%,

20 litres fortified wine, (such as port or sherry)

90 litres of wine (of which, a maximum of 60 litres of sparkling wine)

110 litres of beer


Travellers under the age of seventeen are not entitled to duty free tobacco products and alcohol.


For non EU imports:



200 cigarettes

100 cigarillos

50 cigars or 250 g of smoking tobacco



1 litre of spirits over 22% volume

2 litres wine

16 litres beer



Import is prohibited for:


- Agricultural products or propagating stock such as fruit, vegetables, cut flowers, dry nuts, seeds, bulbs, bulb-wood sticks, cuttings, etc.

- Possession and use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances .(Strictly prohibited)

- Fire arms, ammunition, explosives, flick knives, daggers, swords,

- Obscene books, photographs, films and articles as well as goods bearing a forged trademark or false trade description .

- Restricted are pirated or counterfeit goods.

- Animals, birds, uncooked meat and fish and products there of.

- Milk and dairy products.


The approval of the competent Authorities is necessary for the importation of some of the above.